Saturday, Jan. 19th: 1:00pm-10:00pm Join Friends, fellow Bhaktas and some of your favorite Devis for this day-long kirtan festival celebrating the divine, feminine rising within all of us. Yvette OM (from Philadelphia), Cheryl Chaffee (from Sarasota), Amah Devi (from Asheville), Mirabai Moon (from NY), Lee Mirabai Harrington (from NY) and Orlando’s own (& host) Dana Kaplan will lead you through an afternoon and evening of heart-opening chanting. To Bring Devotion is the house band for the event! Connect to your highest, most loving & joyous self and to your ever expanding Bhakti Family! This is a community Pot Luck event. The hosts will be preparing the main, vegetarian meal for dinner (think kitchari style lentils & basmati) as well as a big, yummy salad. Please bring your favorite vegetarian dish or snack to share. All of this singing to the Divine makes for some very hungry chanters!
Sunday, Jan 20th: 10:00am-12:00pm Yvette OM will lead “Awaken & Celebrate: Finding Your ‘SA’” Workshop. Finding your ‘SA’ is an exploration of one’s unique & personal sacred sound through Chant, Song, Mantra & Voice interwoven with Self-Inquiry, Gentle Movement & Meditation. Participants will leave the workshop more deeply connected to each other as Universal sound weavers, as well as more intimately embracing their own powerful Truth.
Both the Kirtan Festival and Yvette’s Workshop will be held at a private residence in Longwood, FL (Orlando area). Space is very limited. Register early! Early Bird pricing has been extended through January 11, 2019. Address, lodging suggestions and other details will be provided upon registration.
Please contact Dana directly for any questions through the contact page on this website (